
Been a while

 "Miss me?" There she goes again, talking to her imaginary friends...or is she? Is someone listening?  It doesn't matter anyway. Someone is always listening, even if you cannot always see them. Good night Moon! <3


Sometimes our imperfections stare us right in the face. They look us in the eye and accuse us. They call us out for the person that we could become, but choose not to be. Sometimes our imperfections cradle our heads, Draw us closer, Wipe our tears, And tell us it's okay. Sometimes our imperfections break us down, They laugh in derision, Faces twisted into perfect pictures of scorn, Ears closed to our pleas for mercy, For understanding. Sometimes our imperfections make us pray for release, Release from the stress, Release from the pain, Release from the heartache, And just when you think it can't get any worse, It does. So you lay down and you dream, You dream of being perfect, You dream of something that you can't have, Not right now, Not at this moment, But dreaming keeps you going, For if you stopped dreaming, There would be no reason to keep going, And where's the sense in that? ^.^

Mirrors never lie

You want to know why I have no mirrors? Because each time I look into one, I see the girl I don't want to be, The one who has folds where a flat stomach should be, The one who has a double chin instead of a straight jawline, The one who has thick thighs with no thigh gap, The one with disproportionate calves, The one with arms that droop where hard muscle should be, Sometimes I try to make her smile back at me, But when she tries to smile back, Her cheeks pull the smile back down, So eventually she turns away, Each time I look in the mirror, She stares back at me sorrowfully, Begging me to help her, Begging me to set her free. You want to know why I sit in the bathroom and cry? Because I'm too ashamed to let anyone see my tears, I feel guilty for I have so many things I should be thankful for, But I seem to lack the one thing everyone demands of me, "Why aren't you as slim as your sister?" "Shouldn't you be wa

Why so many Natural Disasters?

Click the link below to find out. Natural disasters - Why so many? P.s: I promise, it's a harmless link, and it's not going to load your laptop with viruses and cookies. ^.^

Write, for these words are faithful and true!

There will be earthquakes and reports of earthquakes... Never have I been more aware of the veracity of these words. Today, there was an earthquake in Norther Tanzania that killed 13 and wounded 200, according to the BBC. Though it lies on a fault line, major earthquakes in that region are rare. I never thought the day would come when one would hear of major earthquakes in Africa. Perhaps I a being quite ignorant, but it really threw me for a spin. This is a real wake up call. More than ever, I realise the need to share hope and comfort with the people that we meet, at every opportunity. So, if you're reading this, please read the magazine found at the link below. It shows us how Jehovah God, the ultimate source of comfort, comforts us in these difficult days. Stay safe everyone! 

Here's to you!

On a warm day in September, I started my arduous journey to become an early years educator. It wasn't easy. My first choice wasn't the best. The manager was Cruella de vil in the flesh, well, maybe not as bad. The point is, she was challenging to work for. She demanded perfection, and saw nothing but mistakes. Long story short, I couldn't leave that nursery quick enough.  After 2 weeks of unanswered calls, and ignored emails, I started to despair. Would I find another nursery in time to continue my training? Thankfully, I did, and it turned out to be the best preschool ever. My colleagues were awesome, my work hours were flexible, it was a 10 minute walk from home, and most importantly, my manager rocked! Working at that preschool taught me so much, and they will always have a special place in my heart. Just when things were going so well, and I was approaching the end of my training, I got stuck in quicksand. This snag was serious enough to cost me almost 2 years of

Maybe one day

“I know we haven’t spoken in a while but I’d like you to know that maybe one day we’ll find our way. Maybe one day we’ll find a peace for all the harm we’ve caused. Maybe one day if we cross, I’ll remember why I fell so deep into you and I’ll remember how much the sun loved you, enough to follow you and forever leave me in darkness.”  R.M. Drake